Evelyn, a student, has two younger siblings: Arya and Maya who are still in elementary and middle school. Evelyn has a boyfriend, Bimo, who has a hobby of horror. In…
Sigit who has the ability to see ghosts sees a great advantage to get money from these advantages. His life spins out of control because it turns out that getting…
An indigo student who can see something bad is going to happen who come through a dream with her plan and friends for hiking a mountain but no one believe…
In the deserted hills of an Indonesian island, Marlina, a young widow, is attacked, raped and robbed for her cattle. To defend herself, she kills several men of the gang….
Dimas and Satria Soedibyo actually has many questions when their father died: their grandfather; Rusdi Soedibyo, is a famous painter in the 80s, the death of their mother who was…
Six months after PETA’s failure to fight Nippon, Hardo returns to his village in Blora. His presence is smelled by Nippon, tracked and pursued. In a chase one day and…